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Verfasst von: Christian Morsanutto am 26.10.2004 22:57

THEMA:  Einkommen Steuer
I am writing in English because my German is not that good. My family has owned for at least three generations a house in Steiermark - in Oeblarn. My mother, who now lives in Italy, wishes to sell the house and purchase another house also in Italy. She was told that besides the 3% Real Estate Agent commission she has to pay 22% as Einkommen Steuer. Unfortunately I live in New York and I am not familiar with Austrian laws. Here in the States, if I sell a house I would pay a gain tax ONLY if I did not re-invest the money onto another property. Does this apply also in Austria? What if she bought a house in Italy, another EC Country? Any help is greatly, greatly appreciated.
Verfasst von: Mag. Gerhard Kollmann am 26.10.2004 22:57

THEMA:  Re: Einkommen Steuer
Your mother has not to pay income-tax on following conditions: 1) The house is in private property, that means it has not been used for business activities (only renting would be no problem) and 2) The house has been bought more then 10 years ago. Only when buying and selling a house within this period of 10 years she had to pay income tax for the difference between the purchase- and the selling-price. The corresponding law is § 31 EStG. If she reinvests the money or not, makes no difference (only if it is part of a business, then look at § 12 EStG) have a good day Gerhard
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